“Lutheran Youth Fellowship”
LYF Bible Study Schedule
Sunday, March 9th
5:30 – 6:30pm
LYF Lent Dinner Youth Serve
Wednesday, March 26th @ 6:30pm
LYF and Jr. High Youth/Parents:
It’s time for our annual soup and salad Lent Dinner Youth Serve. Since the confirmands will be in class, I am asking for the assistance of confirmand parents and LYF youth to assist with food prep, set-up, serving, and clean-up following the meal. We will meet at 5:45pm, so that we are ready to serve at 6:30pm.
Check your email for signupgenius
Roller Skating
This is when we plan to ROLL
Sunday March 16, 2025
6th-12th grade
Skate from 1-4pm for $10 admission
(includes skates)
We will depart the church immediately following second service and make a quick fast-food lunch stop before our afternoon of skating.
Total estimated cost: $20
($10 lunch & $10 Skating)
In-line skates $5 extra
7th grade confirmands and parents will meet with the youth director on Sunday, March 30th, immediately after second service in the Triangle Room.