Downloadable Information
our 10:30 am service will stream live on YouTube! Go to our page on YouTube: “Trinity Lutheran Church Norman, Oklahoma”.
Hard to believe, but March is fast coming upon us. Our meeting for March will be held on Thursday, March 5th. It will begin with a short devotional led by Pastor and Vicar, followed by a business meeting led by Bill Ebey in the absence of our President, Steve Amendt who had surgery last month. After the business discussion a potluck meal will be served. Following our meal, a representative from the Norman police department will discuss senior safety.
Our trip on March 21st will be to the Banjo Museum in OKC. Watch for e-mail and announcements at church for more info about this trip.
Oklahoma District Church Workers Conference
in Claremore Mon. and Tues. March 17,18
Pastor and Vicar will attend. Topic: “Reaching Generation Z”
Daylight Saving Time Begins
Sunday, February 9th
Don’t forget to set your clocks forward one hour before you go to bed on Saturday!
Lutheran Ladies & Friends
April 5th from 10-noon
Come and join the fun as we learn how to decorate cookies like the professionals.
Watch the bulletin for reminders.